Aden (until 1967) Anguilla Antigua & Barbuda (until 1981) Ascension Island Bahamas (until 1973) Bahawalpur (until 1947) Bahrain (until 1971) Barbados (until 1966) Basutoland (until 1966) Bechuanaland (until 1966) Bermuda British Antarctic Territory British Guiana (until 1966) British Honduras (until 1973) British Indian Ocean Territory British KUT British Levant (until 1922) British Virgin Islands Brunei Burma (until 1948) Cayman Islands Ceylon (until 1948) Collections/Mixture Cook Islands (until 1965) Cyprus (until 1960) Dominica (until 1967) Falkland Islands Fiji (until 1967) Gambia (until 1965) Gibraltar Gilbert & Ellice (until 1971) Gold Coast (until 1957) Grenada (until 1974) Heligoland Hong Kong (until 1997) India (until 1947) Jamaica (until 1962) Kuwait (until 1961) Leeward Islands Malaya, Straits Settlements Maldives (until 1965) Malta (until 1964) Mauritius Montserrat Morocco Agencies Nauru (until 1968) New Hebrides (until 1980) Nigeria (until 1960) Niue (until 1974) Norfolk Island North Borneo Northern Rhodesia (until 1964) Nyasaland/British Cent. Africa Other Commonwealth Stamps Palestine (until 1948) Papua New Guinea (until 1975) Pitcairn Island Rhodesia (until 1965) Samoa (until 1962) Sarawak Seychelles (until 1976) Sierra Leone (1808-1961) Singapore (1824-1963) Solomon Islands (1893-1978) Somaliland Protectorate South Africa (until 1961) South West Africa (until 1990) St Helena St Kitts & Nevis (until 1983) St Lucia (1814-1979) St Vincent & Grenadines (Brit) Swaziland (until 1968) Tonga (1900-70) Trinidad & Tobago (until 1962) Tristan da Cunha Turks & Caicos (until 1976) Zanzibar
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ASCENSION SG47, 1938 KGVI 10/ Black & Bright Purple, 13.5Pf, MLH
Buy: $52.43 EUR
RHODESIA SG246 1913 8d Violet & Green, Pf.15 Die 2, Used
Buy: $65.70 EUR
SG 104b Samoa 1914. 2½d on 20pf ultramarine. '1' to the left of '2' in '½'...
Buy: $22.11 EUR
SG 53/53e New Guinea 1914. 2d on 20pf ultramarine pair with variety no stop...
Buy: $38.70 EUR
SG 108 Samoa 1914. 6d on 50pf black & purple/buff. Very lightly mounted mint...
Buy: $27.64 EUR
SG 104b Samoa 1914. 2½d on 20pf ultramarine. '1' to the left of '2' in '½'...
Buy: $22.11 EUR
SG 101b Samoa 1914. ½d on 3pf brown, no fraction bar. Mounted mint CAT £140
Buy: $27.64 EUR
New Guinea 1914-15 2d. on 10pf. Carmine SG 18 (MLH)
Buy: $33.18 EUR
HELIGOLAND QV Stamps SG.10 1pf (II) p13½+14½ (1875) Mint Sheet c£1,000+* EP184
Buy: $578.84 EUR
SAMOA 1914 "G.R.I." 6d on 50pf black and purple/buff, SG 108, fine mint
Buy: $53.09 EUR
Samoa 1914 1d on 10pf Carmine SG103 Good Used
Buy: $19.99 EUR
SG 108 Samoa 1914. 6d on 50pf black & purple/buff. Very fine used block of 4...
Buy: $94.00 EUR
SG 102 & 102a Samoa 1914. ½d on 5pf green, vertical pair, top stamp missing...
Buy: $49.76 EUR
Heligoland 1888 20pf (2 1/2d) Dull Red, Pale Green & Lemon SG15b Fine Used
Buy: $24.02 EUR
SG 109 Samoa 1914. 9d on 80pf black & carmine/rose. Lightly mounted mint CAT£200
Buy: $152.01 EUR
Heligoland 1876 3pf (5/8d) Pale Green Red & Yellow SG12 Fine Unused
Buy: $64.76 EUR
HELIGOLAND QV Stamps SG.10 1pf (¼d) Die II (1875) Mint Sheet Cat £1,000+ EP192
Buy: $578.84 EUR
HELIGOLAND QV Stamps SG.12 3pf 2½ Farthing (1876) 3 UMM MNH Cat £750++* SS4541
Buy: $263.11 EUR
New Guinea 1914-15 2d. on 20pf. Ultramarine SG 19 (MLH)
Buy: $33.18 EUR