Aden (until 1967) Anguilla Antigua & Barbuda (until 1981) Ascension Island Bahamas (until 1973) Bahawalpur (until 1947) Bahrain (until 1971) Barbados (until 1966) Basutoland (until 1966) Bechuanaland (until 1966) Bermuda British Antarctic Territory British Guiana (until 1966) British Honduras (until 1973) British Indian Ocean Territory British KUT British Levant (until 1922) British Virgin Islands Brunei Burma (until 1948) Cayman Islands Ceylon (until 1948) Collections/Mixture Cook Islands (until 1965) Cyprus (until 1960) Dominica (until 1967) Falkland Islands Fiji (until 1967) Gambia (until 1965) Gibraltar Gilbert & Ellice (until 1971) Gold Coast (until 1957) Grenada (until 1974) Heligoland Hong Kong (until 1997) India (until 1947) Jamaica (until 1962) Kuwait (until 1961) Leeward Islands Malaya, Straits Settlements Maldives (until 1965) Malta (until 1964) Mauritius Montserrat Morocco Agencies Nauru (until 1968) New Hebrides (until 1980) Nigeria (until 1960) Niue (until 1974) Norfolk Island North Borneo Northern Rhodesia (until 1964) Nyasaland/British Cent. Africa Other Commonwealth Stamps Palestine (until 1948) Papua New Guinea (until 1975) Pitcairn Island Rhodesia (until 1965) Samoa (until 1962) Sarawak Seychelles (until 1976) Sierra Leone (1808-1961) Singapore (1824-1963) Solomon Islands (1893-1978) Somaliland Protectorate South Africa (until 1961) South West Africa (until 1990) St Helena St Kitts & Nevis (until 1983) St Lucia (1814-1979) St Vincent & Grenadines (Brit) Swaziland (until 1968) Tonga (1900-70) Trinidad & Tobago (until 1962) Tristan da Cunha Turks & Caicos (until 1976) Zanzibar
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FIJI SG21 1874 12c /6d Rose, V.R. Opt., Fine Used
Buy: $105.52 EUR
ST. HELENA 1864-80 QV Wmk Crown CC 3d Purple Perf 14 x 12½ SG 23 Used (CV £70)
Buy: $18.04 EUR
HONG KONG 1938-52 KGVI 50c Purple Perf 14 SG 153 MH/* (CV £55)
Buy: $15.91 EUR
ASCENSION SG47, 1938 KGVI 10/ Black & Bright Purple, 13.5Pf, MLH
Buy: $52.43 EUR
1910-25 BERMUDA, Stanley Gibbons #47-49 - 2d. grey - 3d. purple - Block of Four
Buy: $61.42 EUR
1892 Ceylon, Stanley Gibbons #249, 2r.50 purple network, MH*
Buy: $40.50 EUR
1889-91 JAMAICA - Queen Victoria - Stanley Gibbons #27 - 1d. purple and mauve -
Buy: $26.90 EUR
1961 British Guiana - Stanley Gibbons #344 - $2 deep purple - MNH**
Buy: $61.42 EUR
1884-90 BAHAMAS - Stanley Gibbons #54 - Queen Victoria Crown CA, 6d. Purple - Ma
Buy: $30.04 EUR
1954-62 HONG KONG, Elizabeth II, Stanley Gibbons #190 - $5 Lgreen and purple - M
Buy: $71.88 EUR
1875-80 GREAT BRITAIN - #56 2d 1/2 pink purple TABLE 4 PAIRS
Buy: $53.05 EUR
1868  ST. HELENA  - SG 11 3d. deep dull purple  USED
Buy: $24.81 EUR
1924-32 BERMUDA, Stanley Gibbons #88, GEORGE V Portrait, 2s. purple and bright b
Buy: $71.88 EUR
ST. HELENA 1864-80 QV Wmk Crown CC 3d Deep Dull Purple SG 11 Used (CV £50)
Buy: $13.79 EUR
CEYLON SG394 KGV 1938 50c Black and Mauve, P13x11-1/2, Mounted Mint
Buy: $52.43 EUR
BRITISH LEVANT SG6a QV 1887 4pi on 10d Dull Purple & Deep Bright Carmine, M.Mint
Buy: $26.41 EUR
1938-53 BERMUDA, Stanley Gibbons #116, GEORGE VI Portrait, 2s. deep purple ultra
Buy: $139.88 EUR
1904-10 St. Lucia - Stanley Gibbons #68 - 2 1/2d. dull purple and ultramarine -
Buy: $53.05 EUR
1888 BRITISH HONDURAS, Stanley Gibbons #28 - 10 cent on 4d. purple - MLH*
Buy: $60.38 EUR
1926-34 NEW ZEALAND, Stanley Gibbons #470, 3 Purple Blade Shillings, MNH**
Buy: $134.65 EUR
1898 Malaysian States JOHORE - SG 53 $5 Dull Purple and Yellow USED
Buy: $94.90 EUR
1902-04 Cipro, Stanley Gibbons #59 - 45 Dull Purple and Ultramarine Plates - MH*
Buy: $166.04 EUR
1916-19 BARBADOS, Stanley Gibbons #191, 3 deep purple shillings - MNH**
Buy: $103.27 EUR
1882-96 HONG KONG - Stanley Gibbons #36 - 10 cents - Dull Purple - MLH*
Buy: $846.04 EUR
1933 Basutoland - Stanley Gibbons #9 - 5 Purple Shillings - MNH**
Buy: $113.73 EUR
SG 64 British Central Africa 1903-04. 4/- dull & bright purple. Very fine used..
Buy: $49.76 EUR
SG 64 British Central Africa 1903-04. 4/- dull & bright purple. Very lightly...
Buy: $66.35 EUR
SG 46 Hong Kong 1891. 50c on 48c dull purple. A fine fresh lightly mounted...
Buy: $175.39 EUR
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE SG7d 1855 6d Slate Purple, Blued Paper, Used
Buy: $204.64 EUR
TRINIDAD SG144 1904 5/-Deep Purple & Mauve, VFU
Buy: $65.70 EUR
SG 129a Straits settlements, Malaysia 1904-10. 4c purple/red on chalky paper...
Buy: $11.05 EUR
SG 262 Transvaal 2d black & purple. Fine mounted mint CAT £32
Buy: $8.30 EUR
Falkland Islands 1938 Battle Memorial 1d Purple Violet Mint No Gum SG 148a VGC
Buy: $3.32 EUR
SG 155 Trinidad & Tobago 1913-23. 5/- dull purple & mauve. Fine mounted mint...
Buy: $27.64 EUR
Transvaal 1902 5/- Black & Purple/Yellow SG 254 (Mint)
Buy: $29.20 EUR
Northern Nigeria 1907 2d Dull Purple & Yellow (Chalky) SG 22a (Mint)
Buy: $12.61 EUR
Turks & Caicos Islands 1957 10/- Black & Purple SG 250 (MNH)
Buy: $17.25 EUR
MALAYA STATES PAHANG 1898 10c dull purple & orange opt on Perak, SG 19, vf used
Buy: $26.54 EUR
SG 155 Trinidad & Tobago 1913-23. 5/- dull purple & mauve. Fine mounted mint...
Buy: $27.64 EUR
SG 113 St Helena 1922-27. 15/- grey & purple/blue. Lightly mounted mint...
Buy: $657.77 EUR
SG 51 India 1860. 8p purple/bluish. Very fine used CAT £140
Buy: $55.29 EUR
SG 44s Southern Nigeria 1907-11. £1 purple & black, overprinted specimen...
Buy: $165.65 EUR
NORTH BORNEO 1889 $5 bright purple, SG 49, v fine fiscal used.
Buy: $53.09 EUR
SG 49 Hong Kong 1891. 50c on 48c dull purple. A fine fresh mounted mint...
Buy: $27.64 EUR
SG 24 Gilbert & Ellice islands 1912-24. £1 Purple & black/Red, A fine unmount..
Buy: $414.15 EUR
SG 15 Malacca 1949. $1 blue & purple. Lightly mounted mint CAT £22
Buy: $8.30 EUR
SG 2 Zululand 1888-93. 1d deep purple. Fine unmounted mint CAT £28
Buy: $22.11 EUR
SG 7d Cape of good hope 1855-63. 6d slate purple/blued paper. Fine used, full...
Buy: $233.86 EUR
SG O138 India 1937-39. 10r service, purple & claret. Very fine used CAT £21
Buy: $11.05 EUR
Pahang 1897 5c. Dull Purple & Olive-Yellow SG 16 (MLH)
Buy: $33.18 EUR
SG 174 Jamaica 1956. £1 black & purple. Very fine used CAT £25
Buy: $11.05 EUR
SG J1 Japanese occupation of Sarawak 1942. 1c purple, handstamped type 1 in...
Buy: $44.23 EUR
SG 45b Falklands 1904. 2d reddish-purple. Unmounted mint, hinged in margin...
Buy: $152.01 EUR
SG 121a Falklands 6d reddish-purple, line perf (1936). Pristine unmounted mint..
Buy: $44.23 EUR
SG 121a Falklands 6d reddish-purple, line perf (1936). Pristine unmounted mint..
Buy: $44.23 EUR
SG 121a Falklands 6d reddish-purple, line perf (1936). Pristine unmounted mint..
Buy: $44.23 EUR
MALAYAN STATES 1950-56 Pahang 25c Purple & Orange SG 66 MNH/** with Control No.
Buy: $9.28 EUR
TRINIDAD SG.67 Classic Cover 1s BRIGHT MAUVE (Perf 13) Letter 1863 London W139b
Buy: $526.22 EUR
SG 121a Falklands 6d reddish-purple, line perf (1936). Pristine unmounted mint..
Buy: $44.23 EUR
SG 121a Falklands 6d reddish purple, line perf (1936). Pristine unmounted mint..
Buy: $44.23 EUR
FIJI 1906-12 KEVII 6d Dull Purple SG 121 MH/* (CV £30)
Buy: $9.28 EUR
Gibraltar 1908 6d. Dull Purple & Violet SG 60a (MLH)
Buy: $22.56 EUR
SG 121a Falklands 6d reddish-purple, line perf 1936. A pristine unmounted mint..
Buy: $175.39 EUR
SG 262 India 1937. 10r purple & claret. Lightly mounted mint CAT £38
Buy: $16.58 EUR
SG 36a Morocco Agencies 1907-13. 6d dull purple. Very fine used CAT £38
Buy: $16.58 EUR
MALAY STATES 1949-55 Selangor 40c Scarlet & Purple SG 106 MNH** with Control No.
Buy: $17.24 EUR
SG 121a Falklands 6d reddish-purple, line perf 1936. A pristine unmounted mint..
Buy: $175.39 EUR
SG 121a Falklands 6d reddish purple, line perf (1936). Pristine unmounted mint..
Buy: $44.23 EUR
SG 5a Jamaica 1860. 6d grey-purple. Very fine used CAT £35
Buy: $11.05 EUR
ST HELENA 1934 10s black & purple "Centenary", SG 123, fine mint
Buy: $233.87 EUR
SG 61 Rhodesia 1896. 6d deep purple. Lightly mounted mint CAT £70
Buy: $27.64 EUR
SG 38 Morocco Agencies 1907. 2/6 dull purple. A fresh lightly mounted mint...
Buy: $55.29 EUR
SG 96 St Helena £1 grey & purple/red. A fine fresh very lightly mounted mint...
Buy: $311.82 EUR
SG 7c Cape of good hope 1855-63. 6d slate purple/blued paper pair. Mounted...
Buy: $1242.46 EUR
SG 96 St Helena 1922-37. £1 grey & purple on red. Very lightly mounted mint...
Buy: $282.59 EUR
SG 048 Burma 1947 4a Purple, Lightly mounted mint CAT £30
Buy: $5.52 EUR
SG 38a Morocco Agencies 1907-13. 2/6 dull purple. A fine fresh unmounted mint...
Buy: $82.94 EUR
Negri Sembilan 1898 2c. Dull Purple & Brown SG 6 (MLH)
Buy: $25.22 EUR
LEEWARD ISLANDS 1942 £1 purple & black on carmine, SG 114a, vf mint.
Buy: $39.82 EUR
SG 76 Mauritius 1876. ½d on 9d dull purple. Fine mounted mint CAT £28
Buy: $13.26 EUR
Bahamas 1942 Landfall 2/- Slate-Purple & Indigo SG 172 (Fine Used)
Buy: $19.91 EUR
Nyasaland 1921-33 3d. Purple/Pale Yellow SG 105 (Mint)
Buy: $13.27 EUR
Bahamas 1942 Landfall 2/- Slate-Purple & Indigo SG 172 (MNH)
Buy: $15.93 EUR
Falkland Islands 1929-37 Whale & Penguins 6d. Purple SG 121 (MNH)
Buy: $23.89 EUR
SG 82s Nyasaland 1908. £10 purple & dull ultramarine, overprinted specimen...
Buy: $730.86 EUR
SG 121 Falklands 1929-37. 6d purple. Very fine used part CDS, leaves Kings...
Buy: $11.05 EUR
Mauritius 1 Rupee - Mauritius Dodo - purple
Buy: $7.96 EUR
Zululand 1888-93 1d. Deep Purple SG 2 (Mint)
Buy: $15.93 EUR
Falkland Islands 1929-37 6d Reddish Purple Line Perf, Sg 121a, Very Fine Mint
Buy: $46.45 EUR
SG 46 Hong Kong 1891. 50c on 48c dull purple. A fine very fresh lightly...
Buy: $170.52 EUR
St Helena 1873 3d. Deep Dull Purple SG 12 (Used)
Buy: $21.24 EUR
SG 80 Leeward Islands 1921-22. £1 purple & black/red. A pristine very lightly...
Buy: $170.52 EUR
Straits Settlements 1933 10c. Purple/Bright Yellow Die I SG 231ba (Mint)
Buy: $13.27 EUR
SG 16 British Levant 30pa on 1½d pale purple & dull green. Fine unmounted mint..
Buy: $16.58 EUR
Turks Islands 1895 4d Dull Purple & Ultramarine SG 71 (Mint)
Buy: $15.93 EUR
Cayman Islands 1907-09 6d. Dull & Bright Purple SG 30a (Mint)
Buy: $21.24 EUR
BAHRAIN - 1941 25R slate-violet/purple Indian KGVI definitive, MNH – SG # 37
Buy: $106.17 EUR
SG 121 Morocco Agencies 1907. 3p on pale dull purple. Very fine used CAT £45
Buy: $27.64 EUR
Pahang 1899 4c. Dull Purple & Carmine SG 15 (MLH)
Buy: $13.27 EUR
Sierra Leone 1905 5d. Dull Purple & Black SG 93 (Used)
Buy: $21.24 EUR